Age Friendly Roscrea

We were happy to be partnering with Age Friendly Roscrea and providing unique portrait vouchers for sale with all proceeds going to Age Friendly Roscrea.

Ann thanked us most sincerely and said our support and encouragement over the years has always been appreciated.

This offer is now closed and we wish to thank all who took part.


Redmonds of Roscrea the photographers have come up with a novel way for voluntary organisations like Age Friendly Roscrea to raise funds. What Redmonds do is supply Portrait Vouchers which have a face value of €165 incl photo-session, viewing and one 7″ framed portrait which can be sold for just €50, 100% of which goes to the organisaton. That’s how Redmonds donated €1050 to Age Friendly Roscrea represented here in our picture by Fidelma Carroll and Anne Keevey with Brian Redmond. Pic by Theresa Redmond.


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