
We love old photographs!

Not every old photograph needs our specialist attention but some do. These are the ones we treat with tender loving care, ensuring that those special pictures will last for generations to come.

Come to us for a free assessment of your pictures and we will see what can be done to improve and preserve them.

We work with pictures of all sizes, negatives and 35mm slides (transparencies).  All copy and restoration work takes place at our Gallery Studio, so your precious memories never leave our sight.

Many of our clients come to us with a bundle of precious old photographs, not knowing what to do with them.  They may have been found in a drawer, or an attic, or sent by a relative.  Some are in good condition, others are in need of the tlc we are so good at providing.

Then comes the decision of what to do with them once they’ve been restored.  Do you put them back in the envelope and back in the drawer? Do you frame one or two favourites?  Do you put them in an album?  One popular option is to make a montage of old photographs. A beautifully restored, designed and framed piece of family history to hang in your home for all to see.  Where possible, we can add captions so that vital information is preserved for future generations.  Don’t let your family history be just that – bring it in to the present and make sure it lasts well into the future.


Click through our gallery of before and after pictures to view some of the work that has been carried out by us: